#IWSG: For the love of the craft


I enjoy writing stories. Simple as that. I enjoy letting my imagination fly free, entertaining the voices of characters that dialogue in my brain and letting their scenarios unfold. I am a storyteller.

However, is story telling easy when you’re being pulled in a million directions? No.

Is it easy when people don’t fully believe in your craft or think you should be working on something else? No.

Have there been moments when I caved in to these outside influences? Yes.

There is a publisher whose motto is  “For the simple enjoyment of telling stories.”

For me, that one line says it all. I do this for enjoyment of the craft. Everything else that comes of it is a by-product.  I’m learning that it so easy to lose sight of why we do what we do when we give in to these influences (some of which are well-meaning) and it’s very easy to get thrown off track and find yourself wondering, “Why am I doing this again?”

Again, for me, it’s so simple. For the love of the craft.


I recently discovered The Insecure Writers Support Group. The purpose? To share in our struggles and encourage one another.  Today’s post is a monthly effort to be more transparent and to support other writers. To see a complete list of members and leave a kind word, click here. Please and thank you!


  1. Yes! You said it. For the love of the craft. Sometimes we lose sight of that. At one point I got so caught up in “oh my God will I get an agent” that I wasn’t even enjoying writing anymore. And then, what’s the point? When we do what we do because we love it wonderful things happen:) And welcome to IWSG!


  2. Hi Dahlia,
    I am one of the co-hosts of ISWG this month and wanted to say hello and welcome! What you’ve said here is so true for me as well. I write because I love it and I have to let go of all the rest.


  3. Being a story teller is what drives us forward. That desire is what made me learn the craft of writing, even though I hated writing back in school. Glad you’re part of the IWSG.


  4. Welcome to IWSG, Dahlia. For the love of the craft makes perfect sense to me. Why else would we drive ourselves crazy trying to get it perfect. LOL. Oyee


  5. I totally agree with this post! Only true WRITERS understand writing simply to write. I’ve most recently shared writings with my others, and their response is always about making money for my writing. If it comes, then fine, but I write because I love the craft, it comes naturally. The moment it becomes a stress I’m dropping whatever makes it stressful because I simply love to write and tell stories. Check out my other blog for fictional writing http://www.modestmam.wordpress.com


    1. You know, some time ago, I was researching the costs of publishing and trying to project if a profit could be made and I had to ask myself if I would write for free because I was getting lost in the numbers and business of it all, and even if the project was good enough. I determined that I would because I am a writer and it’s what I do, and I do plan on putting some shorter pieces on my blog on a regular basis. The way I see it, if I’m doing what I’m passionate about, everything else will come behind it.

      Thanks so much for the comment and I will definitely check out your other blog!


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